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We urge all interested parties to carefully read the updated information regarding the Tax Code (“Codice Fiscale”) application. In particular:

  • please note (as already reported by this Consulate General in a news dated July 8, 2024), that starting from July 15, 2024, Italians citizens enrolled in AIRE in the Consular Jurisdiction of this Consulate General can directly download the tax code (“Codice Fiscale”) attribution certificate through the Fast It Portal, as further detailed in the relevant page of this website;
  • we underline that a NON-Italian citizen residing abroad who is without a Tax Code and needs one may, alternatively:
  1. expressly appoint a person (e.g. a lawyer in Italy, who has been granted the appropriate power of attorney and at whose registered office the foreign citizen has elected domicile) to submit the application form for the Tax Code directly to the offices of the “Agenzia delle Entrate” (Italian Revenues Agency) located on the Italian territory, pursuant to Article 1 of the implementing Ministerial Decree of May 17, 2001, No. 281, taking into account the wide articulation and capillary distribution of “Agenzia delle Entrate” offices in Italy. In this regard, it should be noted that in the document prepared by the Revenue Agency, bearing “Instructions for completing the form”, under “How to submit the form” it is stated: “The form can be submitted to any office of the Agenzia delle Entrate, even through a delegate. The addresses of the offices of the Internal Revenue Service can be found on the website”
  2. contact the Italian diplomatic-consular representation in the country of residence, which will forward the request to the Agenzia delle Entrate in Italy. In light of the high number of requests received by this Consulate General, in case of urgent need, it is suggested to use option 1. mentioned above.