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Coronavirus Advisory – Updates from the Consulate General and from the Italian Embassy in Washington DC

26 APRIL 2020

Further Measures to combat and contain the Coronavirus


On April 26 2020, the Prime Minister sigend a Decree (text in Italian) on new measures to combat and contain the coronavirus. The new Decree goes into effect on May 4. The Decree will extend the enforcement of measures foreseen by the previous Decree, and pertaining entry into Italy, unitl May 17, 2020.

For a comprehensive snapshot of the various laws and regulations approved by the Italian Government please visit this link.

Additional information in the form FAQ can be found at the following link.

If you plan to return to Italy from abroad you will find useful information at the following link of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. If you plan to return to Italy from the USA, please check the following link for information on Alitalia connecting flights.

If you are in the US please follow directions provided by the White House, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and State and local authorities. It is also recommended to follow the recommendations of the Italian Ministry of Health(in italian).

For further information please write at



04 April 2020

Measures to combat and contain the Coronavirus


On April 1 2020, the Prime Minister sigend a Decree (text in Italian)  extending until April 13 the enforcement of the measures adopted to combat and contain the coronavirus. Among these measure are those included in the March 22 2020 decree outlining further urgent measures to combat and contain the coronavirus.

On April 3 2020, the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport and the Minister of Health signed a Decree (text in Italian) extending until April 13, the application of the 9 previous decrees adopted to limit movements on the italian territory and the transport of passengers. The Decree also extends the application of the order (text in Italian) issued on March 28, 2020 by the Minister of Health and Minister of Infrastructure and Transport containing rigorous provisions for those entering Italy. 

For a comprehensive snapshot of the various laws and regulations approved by the Italian Government please visit this link.

Additional information in the form FAQ can be found at the following link.

If you plan to return to Italy from abroad you will find useful information at the following link of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. If you plan to return to Italy from the USA, please check the following link for information on Alitalia connecting flights.

If you are in the US please follow directions provided by the White House, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and State and local authorities. It is also recommended to follow the recommendations of the Italian Ministry of Health(in italian).

For further information please write at



28 marzo 2020



aereo rientro



27 March 2020

Public Notice – Limited Opening Hours

Due to the current COVID-19 public health crisis and the recent restrictions enforced by local authorities (San Francisco Public Health Order on March 16, 2020 and Executive Order N-33-20 on March 19, 2020), the Consulate General of Italy in San Francisco will only be open to the public – until further notice – for appointments, every week on Wednesdays from 9 am to 2 pm.These appointments must have already been confirmed within the corresponding consular office and show proof of legitimate emergency in order to receive passports or Emergency Travel Documents (ETDs).

The public who does not have a scheduled appointment or an emergency is therefore kindly asked to reach this Consulate General either through our switchboard: +1 (415) 292-9200, Monday – Friday from 9 am to 4:30 pm, or email: and/or avoiding to physically come to the Offices of the Consulate General.

Our usual emergency cell phone: +1 (415) 999-0094 is regularly active, but please remember that this number is for emergencies only and should not be used to request information or updates.

We thank you all for your collaboration and understanding. Together we will get through this very difficult time that is affecting all of us.

22 March 2020

Decree of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers on further urgent measures to combat and contain the Coronavirus

On March 22, 2020, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers issued a decree outlining further urgent measures to combat and contain the coronavirus. For a comprehensive snapshot of the various laws and regulations approved by the Italian Government please visit this link.

On March 17 2020, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and the Ministry of Health issued the Decree 120/2020 (in Italian) prescribing a self-isolation period of 14 days for people returning to Italy from abroad.

Having regard to the protection of Italian citizens abroad, and in order to provide information to the general public, we draw attention on the following points:

  • Italian citizens who reside in Italy (as well as foreign citizens), and who are currently abroad, may avail themselves of any means of transport in order to enter and return to their home, while abiding the Decree 120/2020;
  • likewise, Italian citizens who reside abroad (as well as foreign citizens, including tourists) who are currently in Italy, may avail themselves of any means of transport in order to return to their home;
  • entry for tourism must be avoided;
  • In line with prior indications, those arriving in Italy must notify the Prevention Department of the Local Health Authority (Azienda Sanitaria Locale – ASL) competent for the area.

Additional information can be found at the following link.

If you are in the USA and wish to return to Italy, please check the following link for information on Alitalia connecting flights. If you are in the US please follow directions provided by the White House, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and State and local authorities. It is also recommended to follow the recommendations of the Italian Ministry of Health(in Italian only).



20 March 2020

Coronavirus: Italy remains connected to the United States of America thanks to Alitalia. (in Italian only)

aereo alitalia

L’Ambasciata d’Italia a Washington continua a mantenere stretti contatti con Alitalia per assicurare collegamenti aerei diretti tra gli Stati Uniti e l’Italia nei prossimi giorni, nonostante il divieto di ingresso per coloro che sono stati nell’area Schengen negli ultimi 14 giorni deciso dalle Autorità americane a partire dal 13 marzo.

Si ricorda che tale divieto non riguarda i cittadini americani e loro familiari, gli stranieri con residenza permanente e relativi familiari che dovranno seguire al loro arrivo le procedure previste dal Dipartimento per la Sicurezza Nazionale.

Si ricorda anche che non ci sono limitazioni per gli italiani che vogliano lasciare gli Stati Uniti per fare rientro in Italia, dove si dovranno conformare alle disposizioni adottate dalle Autorità italiane, portando con se’ il modulo compilato per raggiungere il proprio domicilio.

Per l’imbarco sui voli Alitalia occorre essere muniti di mascherina.

In raccordo con l’Ambasciata, la compagnia di bandiera Alitalia prevede di mantenere da New York (JFK) a Roma (FCO) 2 voli al giorno fino al 22/03, 1 volo al giorno dal 23/03 fino al 3/04 e due voli al giorno dal 4 aprile. I voli sono soggetti a cambiamenti in base alla situazione contingente.

Alitalia raccomanda di utilizzare il sito della compagnia (, dove sono state caricate anche tariffe speciali per coloro che vogliono acquistare voli one-way dagli USA all’Italia.

L’Ambasciata d’Italia a Washington precisa che sono possibili anche altri collegamenti con scalo in Paesi terzi che assicurino collegamenti con l’Italia.

Si attira inoltre l’attenzione sull’importanza di evitare di incorrere nella scadenza del visto o dell’ESTA.



18 March 2020

Coronavirus: Italy remains connected to the United States of America thanks to Alitalia. (in Italian only)

aereo alitalia

L’Ambasciata d’Italia a Washington continua a mantenere stretti contatti con Alitalia per assicurare collegamenti aerei diretti tra gli Stati Uniti e l’Italia nei prossimi giorni, nonostante il divieto di ingresso per coloro che sono stati nell’area Schengen negli ultimi 14 giorni deciso dalle Autorità americane a partire dal 13 marzo.

Si ricorda che tale divieto non riguarda i cittadini americani e loro familiari, gli stranieri con residenza permanente e relativi familiari che dovranno seguire al loro arrivo le procedure previste dal Dipartimento per la Sicurezza Nazionale.

Si ricorda anche che non ci sono limitazioni per gli italiani che vogliano lasciare gli Stati Uniti per fare rientro in Italia, dove si dovranno conformare alle disposizioni adottate dalle Autorità italiane, portando con se’ il modulo compilato per raggiungere il proprio domicilio.

Per l’imbarco sui voli Alitalia occorre essere muniti di mascherina.

In raccordo con l’Ambasciata, la compagnia di bandiera Alitalia prevede di mantenere a anche per i prossimi giorni due voli giornalieri dall’aeroporto JFK di New York all’aeroporto di Roma -FCO (fatta eccezione per il 19, 22 e 27 marzo in cui sarà previsto un solo volo). I voli sono soggetti a cambiamenti in base alla situazione contingente.

Alitalia raccomanda di utilizzare il sito della compagnia, dove sono state caricate anche tariffe speciali per coloro che vogliono acquistare voli one-way dagli USA all’Italia, per acquistare i biglietti.

L’Ambasciata d’Italia a Washington precisa che sono possibili anche altri collegamenti con scalo in Paesi terzi che assicurino collegamenti con l’Italia.

Si attira inoltre l’attenzione sull’importanza di evitare di incorrere nella scadenza del visto o dell’ESTA.



17 March 2020

Coronavirus – Decree regarding self-isolation for those re-entering Italy – click here for more information (in Italian only)



16 March 2020

Due to the Public Health Order of the City of San Francisco on March 16, 2020, consular services from March 17 to April 7, 2020, unless otherwise extended, will be as follows:

  • Until further notice, no new appointments will be scheduled;
  • Passport issuance and other consular services will be guaranteed ONLY in cases of proven emergency situations (payments ONLY through money order);
  • Please DO NOT come to our Consulate General unless strictly necessary and ONLY during our usual opening hours (9am – 12.30 pm, entrance on Webster St.)
  • We enhanced our switchboard number +1 (415) 292-9200 to provide you with the most up-to-date information. You can also contact us by email at and/or Our emergency cell phone number is also active but please remember that this contact is ONLY for actual emergencies (+1 (415) 999-0094) and should NOT be used to request information or updates.



13 March 2020

l’Italia resta collegata agli Stati Uniti grazie ad Alitalia

L’Ambasciata d’Italia a Washington si è attivata per assicurare collegamenti aerei diretti tra gli Stati Uniti e l’Italia nei prossimi giorni, nonostante il divieto di ingresso per coloro che sono stati nell’area Schengen negli ultimi 14 giorni deciso dalle Autorità americane a partire dalle 23.59 EST di oggi 13 marzo. Si ricorda che tale divieto non riguarda i cittadini americani e loro familiari, gli stranieri con residenza permanente e relativi familiari, ed altre specifiche categorie tra cui gli equipaggi dei voli aerei.

In raccordo con l’Ambasciata, la compagnia di bandiera Alitalia ha previsto un programma ridotto valido fino al 13 Aprile. In particolare, i voli dall’aeroporto JFK di New York per Roma Fiumicino saranno mantenuti per il momento con i due regolari collegamenti giornalieri che potranno essere progressivamente ridotti ad uno giornaliero a partire dal 18 marzo.

I voli da Miami del 15 e 17 marzo restano confermati, così come quello del 15 marzo da Los Angeles. Le partenze successive dagli aeroporti americani saranno triangolate con scalo sull’aeroporto JFK di New York.

Alitalia ha comunicato che i voli sono acquistabili normalmente sul sito della compagnia, dove sono state caricate anche tariffe speciali per coloro che vogliono acquistare voli one way dagli USA all’Italia.

L’Ambasciata d’Italia a Washington precisa che sono possibili anche altri collegamenti con scalo in Paesi terzi dai quali si può regolarmente raggiungere il nostro Paese. Viene ribadito che non vi sono restrizioni per i viaggiatori in partenza dagli Stati Uniti verso l’Italia. Si attira inoltre l’attenzione sull’importanza di evitare di incorrere nella scadenza del visto o dell’ESTA.




12 March 2020

On March 11, 2020, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers issued a decree outlining further urgent measures to combat and contain the coronavirus.

Having regard to the protection of Italian citizens abroad, and in order to provide information to the general public, we draw attention on the following points:

  • Italian citizens who reside in Italy (as well as foreign citizens), and who are currently abroad, may avail themselves of any means of transport in order to enter and return to their home;
  • likewise, Italian citizens who reside abroad (as well as foreign citizens, including tourists) who are currently in Italy, may avail themselves of any means of transport in order to return to their home;
  • entry and exit for proven work needs is also permitted (this includes cross-border workers);
  • entry for tourism must be absolutely avoided.
  • In line with prior indications, those arriving in Italy from areas at epidemiological risk – as identified by the World Health Organization – must notify the Prevention Department of the Local Health Authority (Azienda Sanitaria Locale – ASL) competent for the area.

Additional information can be found at the following link:

If you are in the US please follow directions provided by the Centers for Desease Control and Prevention.



10 March 2020

On March 9, 2020, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers issued a decree (click here) outlining urgent measures to combat and contain the coronavirus.

Regarding the protection of Italian citizens abroad, and in order to provide information to the general public, we draw attention on the following points:

  • Italian citizens who reside in Italy (as well as foreign citizens), and who are currently abroad, may avail themselves of any means of transport in order to enter and return to their home;
  • likewise, Italian citizens who reside abroad (as well as foreign citizens, including tourists) who are currently in Italy, may avail themselves of any means of transport in order to return to their home;
  • entry and exit for proven work needs is also permitted (this includes cross-border workers);
  • entry for tourism must be absolutely avoided.
  • In line with prior indications, those arriving in Italy from areas at epidemiological risk – as identified by the World Health Organization – must notify the Prevention Department of the Local Health Authority (Azienda Sanitaria Locale – ASL) competent for the area.

Additional information in Italian can be found at the following link: 



29 February 2020

Level 4 Alert for the Lombardy and Veneto Regions.

The United States maintains the travel alert for Italy at level 3 (“Avoid Non Essential Travel”). However, in light of the spread of Coronavirus in some areas of the country, on February 29, 2020, the Department of State raised the travel alert for the Lombardy and Veneto Regions to level 4 (“Do Not Travel”) . With alert level 4, American citizens are advised not to travel in any of the areas indicated. A flight ban to and from affected areas is not foreseen. For more information, please check:

The Embassy of Italy and the Italian Consulates’ Network in the United States are monitoring the situation in conjunction with the Crisis Response Unit at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. For further updates please visit the web site and the web page of the Embassy of Italy in the United States: 

Measures for entry into the US from Italy.

Due to the increase in coronavirus cases in Italy, some countries have already introduced entry restrictions against travelers coming from Italy, and further measures may be taken in the coming days. Such decisions are the exclusive competence of the local authorities of the destination countries and will be published, as they are notified, on the relevant country profiles on the following website: .

As far as the United States is concerned, to date local authorities have not introduced any restrictions for travelers arriving in the country with flights from Italy. There are no restrictive measures with regards to flights arriving from or departing for Italy, and travelers arriving in the Unites States aboard carriers coming from Italy.

This situation is being closely monitored by the Italian Embassy and the Italian consular network in the United States, in conjunction with the Crisis Management Unit of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. For updates, please refer to as well as to the web page of the Italian Embassy in the US: 

Health safety measures in airports for foreign citizens who stayed in China or Iran in the 14 days prior to their arrival in the USA.

In order to cope with the spread of the coronavirus in the country, local authorities have declared a state of public health emergency. In conformity with this declaration, starting Sunday, February 2, 2020 at 5 pm (eastern standard time) all non-US citizens who have stayed in China in the 14 days prior to their arrival in the U.S., with exception for the Special Autonomous Regions of Hong Kong and Macao, will be barred entry to the United States. This does not apply to U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents of the United States, who shall receive a differentiated treatment, the details of which are available on the website of the Department of Health ( Similar restrictions and exceptions will apply from 2 March 2020 at 17.00 (local time on the east coast) to all non-American citizens who have stayed in Iran in the 14 days prior to arrival in the USA. In addition, all flights from China will be routed through seven airports (JFK New York, O’Hare Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Atlanta and Honolulu), where transfer passengers will undergo medical entry screenings before they can continue to their final destination.



27 February 2020

Update on the situation in Italy

February 27, 2020 update. There are 528 confirmed cases in Italy, with 14 deaths and 37 recoveries. Compared to yesterday, there has been a 97% increase in the number of recoveries, vis-à-vis a 29% increase in infections that, in any case are a small minority (4.8%) of those tested for it, who amount to over 11,000. There have been no changes in the areas where restrictive measures have been put in place: one is in Lombardy and one in Veneto, and these barely represent the 0.05% of national territory. Given the constant checks carried out by authorities, there is no need for restrictive measures in other areas.



26 February 2020

mae coronavirus 26.02.2019



25 February 2020

New coronavirus. Health safety measures in airports.

Update: in order to cope with the spread of the coronavirus in the country, local authorities have declared a state of public health emergency. In conformity with this declaration, starting Sunday, February 2, 2020 at 5 pm (eastern standard time) all non-US citizens who have stayed in China in the 14 days prior to their arrival in the U.S., with exception for the Special Autonomous Regions of Hong Kong and Macao, will be barred entry to the United States. This does not apply to U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents of the United States, who shall receive a differentiated treatment, the details of which are available on the website of the Department of Health ( In addition, all flights from China will be routed through seven airports (JFK New York, O’Hare Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Atlanta and Honolulu), where transfer passengers will undergo medical entry screenings before they can continue to their final destination.

Corona Virus. Measures for entry in the US from Italy

Due to the increase in coronavirus cases in Italy, some countries have already introduced entry restrictions against travelers coming from Italy, and further measures may be taken in the coming days. Such decisions are the exclusive competence of the local authorities of the destination countries and will be published, as they are notified, on the relevant country profiles on the following website:

As far as the United States is concerned, to date local authorities have not introduced any restrictions for travelers arriving in the country with flights from Italy. This situation is being closely monitored by the Italian Embassy and the Italian consular network in the United States, in conjunction with the Crisis Management Unit of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. For updates, please refer to as well as to the web page of the Italian Embassy in the US:



23 January 2020

Rafforzamento controlli aeroportuali : In relazione al nuovo coronavirus diffusosi a partire dalla città di Wuhan, in Cina, le Autorità aeroportuali americane hanno avviato dei controlli sui passeggeri (rilevazione della temperatura corporea e verifica dei sintomi da contagio) provenienti o in transito da Wuhan e in arrivo negli aeroporti di Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Chicago e Atlanta.

I passeggeri che dovessero manifestare sintomi da contagio saranno trasferiti presso le apposite strutture ospedaliere identificate dalle Autorità americane. Per maggiori informazioni consultare i seguenti: