On March 9, 2020, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers issued a decree (click here) outlining urgent measures to combat and contain the coronavirus.
Regarding the protection of Italian citizens abroad, and in order to provide information to the general public, we draw attention on the following points:
- Italian citizens who reside in Italy (as well as foreign citizens), and who are currently abroad, may avail themselves of any means of transport in order to enter and return to their home;
- likewise, Italian citizens who reside abroad (as well as foreign citizens, including tourists) who are currently in Italy, may avail themselves of any means of transport in order to return to their home;
- entry and exit for proven work needs is also permitted (this includes cross-border workers);
- entry for tourism must be absolutely avoided.
- In line with prior indications, those arriving in Italy from areas at epidemiological risk – as identified by the World Health Organization – must notify the Prevention Department of the Local Health Authority (Azienda Sanitaria Locale – ASL) competent for the area.
Additional information in Italian can be found at the following link: http://www.governo.it/it/articolo/decreto-iorestoacasa-domande-frequenti-sulle-misure-adottate-dal-governo/14278