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– Guide to the different categories of medicines to be used by travellers in Italy


The conventions stipulated by the Consulates with hospitals and other institutions allow indigent Italian citizens residing within their jurisdictions to benefit from day hospital treatment, hospitalisation and pharmaceutical assistance.

Ad hoc conventions can be stipulated with institutions capable of caring for elderly and indigent Italian nationals who are not self-sufficient and in need of continuing nursing and psychological care.


Consulates can distribute subsidies to Italian citizens residing stably within their consular jurisdiction and who find themselves in verifiable situations of exceptional need, such as delayed arrival of government assistance check, disability, unusual medical conditions involving special medical, dietary or pharmaceutical expenses not covered by local assistance, and so on. The indigent Italian national is required to provide documented proof of his/her situation of exceptional need. Subsidies cannot exceed the maximum limit established by ministerial provisions. This type of assistance also includes the issuance or renewal of Italian passports at no charge to Italian citizens in financial difficulty.

Italian citizens in transit who fall victim to theft of money or documents can also request loans with the promise of repayment to the Italian Treasury. Loans are granted on the basis of evaluations made by the Consulate.