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By law, the Consulate General may only issue visas to individuals resident in the consular jurisdiction.

The Consular jurisdiction is AlaskaCalifornia (except the following counties, which are under the jurisdiction of the Italian Consulate in Los Angeles: Imperial Valley, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, Santa Barbara, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Ventura),Hawaii, IdahoMontanaOregonUtahWashingtonAmerican Territories of Samoa,American Territory of Guam, Northern Mariana IslandsJohnston Atoll, Wake IslandMidway Islands. All individuals resident in this territory must apply for visas through this office.

Students are considered resident at their universities or their home addresses. If either one is in our jurisdiction, they may apply here.

Tourists, including holders of B1/B2 visas, and other temporary residents of our jurisdiction,cannot apply for a visa here but must return to their home jurisdiction to apply. We are sorry, but we cannot make exceptions.



If you are a resident of our jurisdiction, CLICK HERE to proceed!